Ingenium Excellentia, Inc.
An Excellence Consultancy.
Sustainable Excellence through Engineering Ingenuity.

Your Vision

Your Goals

Our Questions

Team Excellence

- is your team performing at the level it could and should?
- is working on the team rewarding and fun?

Process Excellence

- are your processes efficient enough to stay competitive?
- is everyone consistently following the processes?

Project Excellence

- are your projects completed early and under budget?
- are all stakeholders--internal and external--satisfied with the project outcomes?

Product Excellence

- do your products consistently exceed customer expectations?

- do you use the most cost-effective process to design and evolve your products?

Service Excellence

- are your customers raving about the service they received from you?

- are you delivering your quality services at the lowest cost & still have a lot of fun?

Business Excellence

- do you have a vibrant culture of quality from top to bottom?
- do all employees have the tools and knowledge to succeed?

Our Mission


Ingenium Excellentia works with teams at
organizations around the world guiding them to
deliver products and services of excellence
that delight customers and staff alike.

Our Vision


Ingenium Excellentia’s processes, tools,
and techniques for improving excellence
are actively practiced by teams at the most
successful organizations around the world.

Your Team

We work with:


§  Engineering Development Teams

§  Software Development Teams

§  Product Development Teams

§  Patient Care Teams

§  Healthcare Service Teams

§  Medical Device Development Teams

§  Customer Service Teams

§  Call Center Teams

§  Project Teams

§  Management Teams


Your Organization

We work with:


§  Clinics & Hospitals

§  Medical Device Manufacturers

§  Healthcare Insurers

§  Pharmaceutical Companies

§  Academic Medical Centers

§  Software Development Companies

§  Hardware & Computer Manufacturers

§  Financial Services Companies

§  Insurance Companies

§  Retail Organizations

§  Hospitality Companies


Your Initiatives

§  Customer Satisfaction Improvement

§  Staff Satisfaction Improvement

§  Product Quality Improvement

§  Service Quality Improvement

§  Strategic Planning

§  Quality Award Application
(e.g., Baldrige or State Quality Awards)

§  ISO 9000/9001/9004 Certification

§  Lean Management

§  Six Sigma

Our Services

Coaching & Mentoring

Guiding Teams and Organizations to Achieve Sustainable Excellence.

Consulting & Contracting
Crisis Intervention,
Interim Assignments, and
Well-defined Deliverables
for Excellent Results.

Training & Education
Tailored and Personalized
Transfer of Knowledge
and Honing of Skills.

     Our Diverse Toolkit
Broad Expertise, Skills, and Knowledge for Highly-Complex Barriers to Excellence
“If your only tool is a scalpel, every problem looks like it could be solved by surgery.”

Project Management
project planning, monitoring & control: scope, schedule, cost, quality, risk, & staffing

Business Analysis/Requirements Engineering/Scope Management
requirements & specification development, process mapping & process analysis.

Systems Engineering
requirements analysis, functional analysis, system design and architecture,
process design, ROI/NPV, FMEA, …

Software Development
agile (XP, SCRUM) and traditional (RUP, Waterfall, Spiral) development methodologies;
object-oriented analysis, design, & programming (OOA, OOD, OOP) in Java, C#, C++, Smalltalk;
web development

Usability and Human Factors
user observation, user studies; user interface design, usability evaluations, …

Quality Improvement
PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) & DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control), Lean;
root cause analysis, process mapping, process reengineering, …

Quality Assurance, Quality Control & Testing — Verification & Validation
requirements reviews, design reviews, code reviews;
user acceptance tests, system tests, integration tests, component tests, unit tests
test planning, test execution, defect management, root cause analysis, …

Measurement & Metrics
development metrics, quality metrics, defect tracking, balanced scorecards, …

strategic planning, project retrospectives, JAD workshops, design brainstorming, …

Healthcare & Medical Knowledge
medication administration, cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmia/atrial fibrillation, heart failure),
home healthcare monitoring, biofluidic testing;
access, scheduling, information therapy, …

Financial & Insurance Knowledge
bank teller operations, treasury management, SWIFT; call center, back office operations, …

Our Values and Principles

  1. We will adhere to the highest standards of ethics and integrity:

§  We will be truthful in all of our communications.

§  We will always do what’s in the best interest of our clients.

§  We will avoid any situation that could create conflicts of interest
(including the offering or acceptance of gifts).

  1. Our clients’ road to excellence is driven by the existing skills and talents of their staff,
    cannot solely rely on the latest fads, standards, or co-called industry best practices.
  2. We will create collaborative partnerships and contracts that eliminate adverse incentives.
  3. Our fees are fixed and based on the value provided to our clients as perceived by our clients.
  4. Our clients deserve a customized, individualized solution that is tailored to their specific needs. We will not sell or implement a cookie-cutter approach. Ever.
  5. Our educational programs must be designed to achieve a knowledge retention rate of at least 75% after six months.
  6. We are committed to achieve for our clients long-term sustainable improvements in the culture of the teams we work with.
  7. Our role is to identify and provide remedies to our clients’ unique problems, and to coach them towards self-managed sustainability of excellence long after our relationship ends.
  8. We will provide our clients with extremely valuable solutions that will result in a at least a 300% return on our fees in three years or 500% in five years.

Our Approach

Understand your vision and your most obvious problems.

Ä Capture and understand the current situation or process and identify all stakeholders.

Ä Analyze the current situation and identify and prioritize its problems and strengths.

Ä Define and prioritize the most important needs of the stakeholders and of the business.

Ä Design the conceptual solution that satisfies the most important needs.

Ä Define relevant metrics and establish a baseline to allow tracking of progress and success.

Ä Evolve and refine the conceptual solution into a relevant and feasible solution.

Ä Implement the solution.

Ä Review metrics to assess improvements in excellence.

Contact Us

Christian Milaster, PMP* @

*PMP: Certified Project Management Professional. Over 7,000 hours of project management experience in the past 8 years.